I did not get to finish yesterday as we went out to have the most amazing slushies! Yum! I guess the place we went is a happening place in Chiloteca...great for date night. they play American 80's music.
So, yesterday I walked around the community with Frank and another man from the Center---scouting for families who need the beds we have built. We went to the homes of the children who go to the Daycare first.
One man, Santos, has diabetes, takes insulin, can barely walk, has diarrhea frequently (I think gastroparesis) and has been abandoned by his family. He lives with his 11 year old son. He has 2 other children who do not live with him. The church is providing his home, but he relies on friends and neighbors to give him food or money for food. His son helps him to bathe and basically takes care of him. They only have one small bed and a hammock. A hammock is fine for awhile, but not great to sleep on every day. This man is skin and bones and is in great suffering. Later that day, we took him a bed. He was so grateful....he told of of God's love and how his illness brings him closer to God. His faith was tremendous...we were all in tears by the time he was done speaking. I now have a much better understanding of what Paul meant in Philippians when he said he has learned to be content in any situation (whether well fed or hungry, whether sick or healthy). Santos' life spoke more loudly than anyone else could ever preach. As it is difficult to express how valuable a trip like this can be, please believe me that God can use others to teach us what He has been trying to tell us all along.
I think I will post and continue with a new blog so I don't lose this due to the questionable connection.
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